Know the benefits of Ratanjot,- Know the benefits of Ratanjot


Using ratanjot, which is rich in antioxidants, reduces dryness of the skin and relieves hair loss. Know how ratanjot benefits skin and hair.

Strong sunlight and heat can unbalance the health, and its effect is also seen on the face and hair. Ratanjot is a very beneficial herb for skin and hair care. Sunburn can be prevented by using this herb, which is rich in antioxidants. It reduces dryness of the skin and prevents hair fall. Ratanjot is used in many ways. Let’s find out how Ratanjot is useful for skin and hair.

What is Ratanjot called?

Ratanjot is a beneficial herb that belongs to the Alcanna genus and Boraginaceae family. This plant has blue flowers, but the color of its roots is dark red. It was also used as a dye in ancient times. The scientific name of this herb with medicinal properties is Alcanna Tincorea.

Ratanjot is very special for beauty

Anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-aging properties are found in the roots of ratanjot. This dark herb, rich in antioxidant and antibacterial properties, is used to maintain the luster of skin and hair. It contains good chemicals like flavonoids, naphthoquinone and alkanin. Apart from ratanjot root, its seeds are very beneficial for health.

It is a multi-functional herb that is very effective from an Ayurvedic point of view. Apart from being mixed with oil, it is also used in the form of powder, spice and paste. Applying this natural dye to hair not only relieves hair problems but also maintains skin elasticity.

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Applying Ratanjot on the face maintains skin elasticity and removes prematurely appearing fine lines on the skin. Image: Adobe Stock

Know the benefits of Ratanjot here (Beauty Benefits of Ratanjot)

1 Anti-aging properties abound

Applying Ratanjot on the face maintains skin elasticity and removes prematurely appearing fine lines on the skin. For this, apply ratanjot mixed with sandalwood powder on the face, after drying, massage for 1 to 2 minutes and wash the face.

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2. Prevent skin tanning

For this, prepare a paste by mixing 1 spoon of groundnut flour with half spoon of rattanjot powder and required milk. Now apply it on the face and neck and leave it on. Keep it on the face for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash the skin. It reduces skin dryness and relieves tanning.

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Exfoliating properties prevent tanning by removing oil and dead skin cells from the skin. Image – Adobe Stock

3. The problem of hives goes away

Rashes can occur immediately upon exposure to strong sun rays. Due to this, rashes and redness develop at various places on the skin. In such a situation, applying Ratanjot powder with curd and honey will keep the facial skin healthy and clean.

4 Reduces hair loss

The source of Ratanjot is also known as Baljhar. In fact, mix this root in coconut oil and fenugreek seeds and keep it in strong sunlight for a few days. Due to this, hair fall starts to decrease. It strengthens the follicles and improves the texture of the hair.

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The source of Ratanjot is also known as Baljhar. In fact, mix this root in coconut oil and fenugreek seeds and keep it in strong sunlight for a few days. Image: Shutterstock

5 Dandruff problem will be solved

Mix ratanjot powder in amla powder and add coconut oil to it. Apply this solution to the hair and keep it for 30 minutes. After this wash the hair with herbal shampoo. It starts solving the problem of dandruff growing in the hair.

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