World Meditation Day: 6 Tips to Make Daily Meditation a Part of Your Life


Meditation is a powerful way to practice mindfulness and experience overall well-being. Learn how to build a daily meditation practice.

Forming a new habit or learning a new skill can seem difficult. Because changing the way we live is not easy. The same rule applies to the practice of meditation, which is a combination of physical and mental techniques used to maintain peace of mind. In the hustle and bustle of life, we are so used to internal and external chaos that attaining a state of calm or serenity can seem far away. However, it is not impossible. However, with daily meditation practice, you may begin to notice changes in the way you think and act. As you begin to experience the health benefits of daily meditation, you will need to sit down and do it every day. But how to start daily meditation and how to do it effectively?

Benefits of meditation

Practicing meditation helps to develop a sense of awareness. Through meditation, we learn how to control our wandering mind and thoughts. Through a daily meditation practice we can learn to be more mindful of our surroundings. Many people find this technique helpful in dealing with daily stress and developing higher levels of concentration. With a calm and controlled mind, we can develop a positive attitude towards other external aspects of life. Meditation improves self-discipline and promotes healthy sleep patterns along with better tolerance for pain.

A study Analyzing the effect of mindfulness meditation on people for 8 weeks, they found that it helped curb anxiety symptoms in people with generalized anxiety disorder, using positive self-statements and observing improved stress reactivity and coping. In another 8-week study published in Journal of Brain, Behavior and ImmunityA meditation style called “mindfulness meditation” has been observed to curb the inflammatory response induced by stress.

How to build a daily meditation practice?

If you feel like meditating every day, but you resist the urge to sit and procrastinate, here are some tips to help streamline daily meditation:

1. Start small

When you constantly think that you need to meditate every day, you feel overwhelmed. To avoid that, stop aiming for lofty goals like meditating for 30 minutes or more every day. Mediation is not an easy practice as your mind may wander a lot in the beginning. You may not feel comfortable either. But understand that this is all normal when starting out. To make things easier for yourself, start small. Maybe set a goal to practice for 5 minutes to start. Learn to sit with your thoughts and process them. If you can’t squeeze in 30 minutes every day, don’t worry about it. Meditating for 10-15 minutes every day can provide benefits until you feel better over time. To make things easier, here’s a beginner’s guide to meditation!

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World Meditation Day: 9 Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation
How to Build a Meditation Practice
Learn how to build a daily meditation practice. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

2. Do it at the right time

You will find many people asking you to meditate at a certain time during the day – mostly morning meditation. But, of course, your ideal time is when you can meditate. Don’t succumb to stereotypes and act on them. By following other people’s ideal times, you may struggle to focus, you may feel frustrated and discouraged from moving forward. Experiment with different times to find what works best for you. It can be first thing in the morning, at night before bed, on a long journey or after a short break at work. Find your time and try to stick to it. With consistency, that habit will blend into your routine like just another daily routine.

3. Make yourself comfortable

For too long, the popular media has led us to believe that meditation is best done in the classic lotus position. However, the reality is that the lotus position is difficult to form and maintain. It may feel physically uncomfortable for anyone. Slip into a state or form that you can comfortably hold, at least for a while. You can also sit on a chair or lie down to practice – both forms are perfect. If sitting still for a while doesn’t come naturally to you, try walking or standing meditation. Focusing on each step while walking helps to further the meditation process as does focusing on the breath.

Also, try to curate a soothing and comfortable space for meditation around you by lighting candles or playing calming music that helps enhance meditation.

4. Give meditation apps or listen to podcasts

If you’re still unsure of how to start your practice, turn to your smartphone. These days there are multiple mobile applications that offer guided meditation. Apps help you access guided meditation or vVisual depiction, calming sounds tibetan bowls and more.

5. Persistence

As we mentioned earlier, starting a new habit can be difficult, and meditation can be difficult for beginners. Even if you can’t maintain focus, try to maintain it by concentrating. Instead of fishing for reasons to give up, try to keep an open mind and curiosity to navigate those difficulties. These challenges can become stepping stones to more successful learning. Think about it this way: when we start to feel anxious or nervous, we turn to meditation for help, and it definitely puts us at ease. But if you stick to it consistently, understand that you can easily handle that stress before it gets the better of you. Try some of these tips to increase concentration during meditation!

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How to build a daily meditation practice
Meditation is a great way to maintain overall well-being! Image courtesy: Pexels

6. Begin to develop a sense of awareness

Even years of meditation can cause people’s minds to wander, which is normal. You may not feel the immediate benefits of mediation, and that’s totally okay. This does not mean that you cannot succeed in this endeavor. Even noticing that your mind has begun to wander is a blessing in itself. It means you are developing awareness. As your mind wanders, focus gently on your present moment. Consistent meditation practice reaps its benefits over time.

How to start?

So, are you ready to meditate? Follow these simple steps to get you started!

1. Sit in a comfortable place where you can relax
2. Set a short timer for three to five minutes
3. Begin by focusing on your breath. Notice your slow inhalation and exhalation. Breathe deeply and slowly in a natural manner. Do not force your breath.
4. In the beginning, random thoughts may appear. Allow them to come and pass through you. Bring your attention back to your breath. Don’t worry about the thoughts that will come, because they will.
5. When the time is up, open your eyes. Begin to pay attention to your surroundings, the sensations of your body, and your feelings. You may or may not feel differently. Over time, you will notice that you become more aware of your experience as well as your surroundings. These feelings last longer even when you stop meditating.


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